Saturday, October 23, 2010

Airbrush Makeup: A Revolution in Beauty Makeup Using Airbrush



Flawless beauty, even when the canvass is uneven, imperfect skin, can be made perfect with airbrush makeup.Actresses, models and celebrities all look gorgeous and flawless when they sashay down the red carpet at any high-powered event. Whilst anyone would look fantastic if they put on makeup that really complements the tone of the skin and the contours of the face, but what makeup do these actresses and celebrities use to make themselves look perfect? If you want to know the secret, it is simply this: airbrush makeup. Applying airbrush makeup is the wave that is causing a big splash in the beauty department.

What is Airbrush Makeup?

Airbrush makeup operates on the same principle as that used in airbrush painting. The setup requires an airbrush wand, an air source or air compressor, and a hose that connects the two. The pressure from the compressed air is used to push out the paint from the wand.

The paint used in applying airbrush makeup is made up of the same ingredients as the paint used in airbrush painting: pigment, resin, additives and solvent. The main difference is that the paint used in spray-on makeup is especially formulated to be safe and friendly for use on the skin. They can even contain substances that are known to nourish the skin, such as aloe vera.

The Advantages of Airbrush Makeup

For celebrities whose faces are always displayed on screen or on print, the obvious advantage of spray-on makeup is flawlessness. High definition television and digitalisation of photo prints can easily reveal imperfections on the skin. With celebrities trading on the beauty of their faces, it is an absolute must to hide these imperfections, and spray-on makeup does that for them.

Another big advantage that spray-on makeup poses is that they can last for up to 18 hours. This is heavy-duty makeup that stays on upon application and does not need retouching. The high-quality brands of spray-on makeup are hypoallergenic, so they are safe to wear even for prolonged periods. Spray-on makeup also does not get absorbed into the skin, so they do not clog the pores.

Airbrush makeup is also sanitary. Because the tools do not come into contact with the skin before the paint is sprayed, they can be shared with other people. This is a good thing in long, group makeup sessions, such as bridal parties before the wedding.

The Disadvantages

Everything has a negative side to it, even spray-on makeup. Whilst it is great for creating the illusion of flawless beauty, this illusion does not come cheaply. A single makeup session using spray-on makeup and the services of a professional can cost up to hundreds of pounds.

Putting on spray-on makeup is also time-consuming. It cannot be done in a hurry and it needs to dry off for the best results. Thus, it is a special kind of makeup that may be brought out only for special occasions.

Airbrush makeup is revolutionary in the world of beauty mainly because it can make a person’s face totally flawless. Applying airbrush makeup should be a viable option for days that call for perfection, even if it is not inexpensive.

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